A week ago me and Art drove out to look at houses and we took a side trip to the Hamptons. Sitting in traffic on Montauk Highway my car seriously started to overheat when I tried to turn the AC on. Yesterday while trying to do errands of course it starts to overheat again. I turned on the heat to cool the engine and it wasn't even spitting out hot air. I started to freak out because I was on a road with no room to pull over and the temp gauge was literally almost at the red line. Luckily I was close to my mom's house and my stepdad was home. He looked at it with me and apparently I have an antifreeze leak and there was pretty much no coolant in my car. Kinda explains a lot. We refilled the tank and Dad said he'd take a look at it on Saturday. It's been running normal since so that's good.
Stupid me this morning decided to step on that pretty clean white scale this morning before jumping in the shower. Baaaaad idea. I am officially at the heaviest I've been EVER at a good 25 pounds overweight for my height. So I stole my mom's Weight Watchers stuff and I'm gonna restart it next week (and I'm not paying for the program...I'm not paying that much to go talk to other fat people). I think I'm going to take an aerobics class at the high school and I really need to start doing yoga again.
Phew. That's my vent for the day. It's been crazy. I have not had any time to work on anything lately. I guess that's a good thing considering I've been working at the card store a bit which means money. Tomorrow morning I have my interview at Kiddie Academy. Woot. Hopefully I'll get that job. I really want it although working with 3 year olds would be really interesting...