Sunday, August 30, 2009

This little piggy went to the market...

One little stuffed animal down, too many more to go! Luckily, now that the safety eyes have arrived in the mail, I should get through them quick. These little guys are going to be made for my cousin's third birthday gifts and I can't wait to give them to him!

In other life news, I am soon to be unemployed! Now most people would think, especially in this economy, this would be a bad thing. Not for sanity is at stake. It is far beyond time to end my stay at the day care. I will be heading into subbing in the public schools and potentially to grad school (when I can get a definitive answer from the school at least). The good side of all of this...I'll be having much more knitting time! I have lots of projects lined up that I am sooo looking forward to tackling.

Speaking of which, I'll be soon starting my first KAL! I'm very excited and, as typical to me, I dive in head first. I'm joining a KAL that will last over the next 4 years! Crazy, I know, but I thought it was a worthwhile journey to take. Mary is following Nicky Epstein's Knitting On Top of the World and is dedicated to doing every project in the book, one project a month. She has created a blog for others to follow along and also has invited everyone to join in with her. I definitely recommend checking out her blog and even if you're not going to join I'm sure everyone will learn a lot from our trials. I've already picked out which patterns I will be doing- I cannot afford to do everyone and some I just don't care for. During those months I'll use that time to catch up on the other projects because I'm sure I'll be behind. Mary has already organized everything for herself and has ordered all the yarn she needs for every project. I'm going to stop by Village Knitter and Knitter's Therapy to start checking out yarn for the projects and buying/ordering the yarn through them if possible. Gotta support my favorite LYS's!!

Today a local lady decided to destash her house. You wouldn't believe the amounts of yarn this lady had! I walked away with 23 skeins of various Cascade yarns (which cost $60 total) and an old issue of Knit.1 (free!!). I'm thinking of 2 baby blankets, possibly a sweater, and some small projects for this yarn. As if I didn't have enough projects on my plate right now :o)