Wow I can't believe it's been a year...A YEAR since I've posted. I've definately done a lot of knitting this past year and definately have had no time for posting. Probably because most of the time the only chance I had to knit was on my lunch break at work...but I'm definately anticipating a lot more time for knitting soon. I feel like I've knit a lot, but have nothing to show for it this year. So many FOs and no pictures because I was always in such a rush last minute to get them done as gifts. Here's some of the bigger projects from this year...
Lesley's Bikini from Greetings from Knit Cafe came out absolutely awesome. She never did send me a picture of her wearing it though like she promised :o( .

I made my first pair of mittens...bum gloves if you will. I bought the handspun yarn from aka Coley at the West Islip Craft Fair in September or October. The yarn was half bamboo and half wool...absolutely amazing to work with, even though it leaves little fuzzies everywhere :o) After making these I went on a mitten frenzy...I made a pair for Grandpa for Christmas, even though I got them to him late. Unfortunately, he didn't quite appreciate the removable cap as much as I thought he would (he thought they were awesome when I first made them...he told me to pattent them...silly since I got the pattern out of knit.1 magazine) and he had me sew them closed. All well they still came out awesome :o)

I had my first experience using the double knitting method and now I'm absolutely addicted. I made a friend a scarf for Christmas (finished it that day!) using it and it was sooooo easy. I've got two more double knitting projects lined up in the queue. I'll have to harass him for a decent photo of that scarf.
Nicole's Argyle Socks still aren't done. I think they're going to get scrapped actually. I still can't bring myself to look at them now. They frustrate me beyond belief, even though I really enjoyed the argyle pattern. There were just soooo many strands of yarn, always getting tangled...ugh. Even now the thought of it stresses me. Maybe eventually. One of them was up to the heel too so they're close to being done. Hopefully they'll be done by her next birthday.

These days I'm working on a baby blanket for my ex's brother and sister-in-law. I's weird but I promised her a hand knit baby blanket. She uses the knifty knitter loom thing because she didn't have the patience when she tried to learn to knit. I tried the knifty knitter (I was jealous how fast she finished projects!). Yea...I'm not a fan. Give me my harmony needles any day! The blanket is from Vogue Knitting On the Go Baby Blankets Two...seriously can they make that title any longer?? It's a really simple cable and rib blanket that I've made before and I'm using stash yarn (yay for not buying any more!) that I got on clearance at Michael's forever ago. I really didn't think it was worth buying nice new yarn...might as well use up the cheap stuff taking up valuable stash space.
I'm also making a ski mask for the step-dad. He requested it and I actually had a pattern...from Son of Stitch 'n Bitch. I adjusted the pattern so I could knit it in the round instead of flat and took out the color step-dad definately wouldn't be a fan of the interesting wrestlers design on it. Unfortunately I can't get a good photo of it...I lost my camera and only have the camera phone to rely on these days for pictures and the dark brown wool just isn't looking so great in the pictures.