As for today, it's 11:45 and it's already 82 degrees out...which really sucks when we don't have AC here. I'm going to the movies to see Knocked Up for a matinee to kick the midday heat. I can't take sitting down and sweating when I'm not moving.
My sweater is coming along nicely. I've gotten up to the separation for the neck hole. It's making it's way towards being done and it's getting easier. I think I'm going to go back to those kids socks I made...meaning the one sock I made and never made a match for. What I really should be doing is cleaning and organizing before the in-laws come this weekend...but I'll just put that off until Friday. I can't wait for Friday night when fiance comes home from Jersey! We're apparently going to the movies to see License to Wed...my request. Now I'm off to eat and shower to cool myself down.